Though we’ve discussed and researched colleges/universities that are strong in the area Tink would like to pursue (sciences) we had yet to begin to seriously compile information to aid in making application to such schools. This is an important step because many colleges/universities have special application requirements for homeschoolers (another area in which homeschoolers are discriminated…but, I digress).
Yesterday, I was thrilled to find out about a College Fair being held in a nearby large public venue. This college fair was scheduled to have approximately 65 schools represented. A number that, imo, was sure to include at least a few schools we’ve discussed in the past. And so, dh, Tink and I attended our very first college fair last night.
Now, some of you may wonder why a 16yo junior would need to attend a college fair. Truth be told, I am a major planner. I can’t imagine not having a “game plan” to maneuver the whole college process. Talking to admissions counselors was the first “play” in the game plan. I figured if we’re going to win this college admissions game (and make no mistake…it is a game, complete with strategy and opponents) then we better make the first offensive move. My thoughts were confirmed, as each of the admissions representatives we spoke too stated that NOW (junior year) is the time to begin.
One of the best things about talking with admissions counselors was the fact that if we came armed with questions (which we did) the counselors were more than willing to provide very useful information. We were able to present Tink’s “game stats” and were able to inquire about merit scholarships that her stats would make her eligible for. Since we’ve said over and over to our dc, “it’s either scholarships (academic or athletic) or it’s Uncle Sam U (a.k.a. the army), hearing from the admissions officers that Tink would definitely be in the running for merit scholarships (most likely full academic scholarship) makes us even more determined to stay the course as we educate our younger dc.
Of the 65 schools represented, there were only 3 that we were interested in at this time: Davidson College, Appalachian State, and Wake Forest (OF COURSE!!!!). All three were very interested in Tink and were eager to get her out for an “official” school visit to allow her to sit in classes for a day, set her up with a student contact, meet with the “diversity” representatives, etc. It was very encouraging. Thankfully, Tink is not interested in UNC or NC State. (The lines to talk to those counselors were HORRENDOUS!)

One thing I was disappointed about was the lack of representation of the MOST competitive schools in the nation. The only Top 50 (nationally ranked)Tier 1 schools represented were Wake Forest University (#25 National Universities) and Davidson College (#9 Liberal Arts Colleges). Even Duke was absent, which was surprising. I had to wonder about this. But, alas, that is for another blog post on another day.
All in all, I was very happy with our experience. I’m hoping we’ll find some larger College Fairs within decent proximity to our locale so we can continue this adventure. Anyone want to join us next time?
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