Tink had to be at a local high school by 7:45 AM on Saturday morning in order to take an ACT test. Since she is a junior, throughout the course of this school year she will be taking the ACT; PSAT; SAT; SAT subject tests in Biology, Math II, US History; an AP Statistics test; an AP Government test; and an AP Economics test. She has already taken the SAT, ACT, SAT Subject test in Literature, and an AP Biology test. No...she is not "test happy." She does not derive pleasure from the mental torment one must put oneself through in order to prepare for standardized tests. The truth is Tink just needs these tests in order to be competitive. It's sad, but true, that homeschoolers have to "prove themselves" with testing moreso than public school students. Colleges are thrilled with the diverse experiences homeschoolers bring to the table, but they still wanna "see the numbers," and "the numbers" better reflect the GPA if the homeschool transcript is to carry any weight.

Since she had already taken the ACT and scored well last year, there was less pressure this year. Even though there was less pressure to score well, testing in and of itself is stressful. As soon as we walked in the door after driving home from the test, Tink took two pain relievers (her "brain hurt"!), crashed on the couch with a blanket and a book, and pretty much stayed there until bedtime!
Take it easy, Tink...relax... after all, Monday begins the countdown to the PSAT. Thirty-one days and counting...better get studying!
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