Though I wouldn't go so far as to say that all the kinks have forever been worked out of the woven cloth that is "Cross Country Academy," I will say that for the first time ever we had an AMAZING first week of school! We actually accomplished every last item on our respective agendas, remained organized, and maintained positive attitudes...for the most part;-)
I tried to think of the main differences between this year's kick-off and those of years past. I realized that there were several factors that enabled our days to proceed rather smoothly. I've decided to list these changes in hopes that, in August of 2011, I will think back to the joy I felt this week learning alongside my 4 wonderful kiddos and return to this post for continued inspiration. And so, for your viewing pleasure, here is the list of changes that has allowed me to achieve back-to-homeschooling bliss:
1) I incorporated a "file box system" (post on this to follow!).

2) I began teaching the middlers their mom-intensive subjects FIRST, leaving them to work completely independently for the remainder of the day. This frees me up to work without interruptions with my dd7 who needs the most one on one time.
3) I read aloud and recorded on CDs any difficult literary and/or history works (e.g.: The Wind in the Willows for dd7 and The Story of Europe for dd11), so that the kids can just put the CD in the player and read along in their books with "me".
4) I planned the entire year on paper, by the week...NOT by the day. I realized there is too much shuffling around with daily planning. I've divided every single subject into 36 weeks of material and wrote weekly plans for each student.
5) I've moved to a "notebook" system for the kids' daily work.
6) I've created a Daily Checklist "Schedule Board" with a chart made out of white board material. Each subject is listed for each child. At the end of each day, all of the required subjects for the day MUST be checked off. It's our accountability!

7) I've reinstated bedtimes for *all* kids, and everyone must be out of bed NLT 7:00am. This would not be necessary if our kids weren't so busy. However, with great reward (sports, dance, cheer, etc.) comes great sacrifice (sleep!!!!). This ensures us plenty of hours in the day to accomplish all of our required schoolwork...and then some!
8) I started getting out of bed at 5:30AM each weekday morning. This one was a TOUGH pill to swallow. However, I *know* me! I need a lot of "me time" in the morning for Bible study, lounging on the couch, and sipping my cups of coffee in peace! My tendency was to push back the time I woke up the kids each day in order to have a few more minutes of solitude. Now, if I want my "me time", I just have to rise with the roosters!
9) I've made crafts a priority. This is strictly to be fair to my younger dd, as my older dc were able to enjoy plentiful crafts when they were younger. Unfortunately, as they got older, crafts went out the window, taking much of the joy and "hands on learning" out of homeschooling for my youngest dd.
10) Mom is always prepared and ready to go, sitting at the school table, plan book in hand, by 8AM...PERIOD.
11) I've made email my friend in our homeschool setting. I communicate important reminders and study information to my 3 oldest dc via email. This keeps us all on the same page. I also send links, via email, to each child for things like latin vocabulary flashcards online, Bible study online, etc.
12) I've chosen very rigorous, yet flexible, curriculum for each child. The curriculum is serving ME this year...rather than me being a slave to my curriculum.
13) Last, but definitely not least, I absolutely DO NOT answer the phone during school hours unless it is my husband. I will check messages periodically (just to make sure there are no emergencies!), but I must make sure my MOST important job, my childrens' education, remains my #1 priority.
If you've made it through this lengthy first post...congratulations! And welcome to my blog.
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